
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Jamaican_Goddess, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. I'm Jamaican...wbu?
  2. Whitexican.
    Skylar2018 likes this.
  3. I'm a dual citizen. Guess which
    Chillex and Jaey like this.
  4. lol never heard of it
  5. You're missing out. Let me teach you a thing or two about my peoples. ??
    Skylar2018 and _Presley_ like this.
  6. Giraffe
    _Presley_ likes this.
  7. This is cute
    _Presley_ likes this.
  8. Adorbs af.
    Skylar2018 likes this.
  9. American anddddd

  10. lol teach me papi
  11. Swedish 
  12. Filipino
    Jaey likes this.
  13. Accurate
  14. Shut your mouth
  15. No u
  16. Lmao 
    Skylar2018 and Jaey like this.