NEW! TUTOR PRICES from TheTutorGuy™

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JETHRO_TheTutorGuy, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. The mods won’t do anything. He isn’t breaking any rules. Buying tuts is part of the game. If she wishes to keep you, she needs to over price you so others don’t hire. Anytime someone sees an active tut under priced, they’re gonna hire. They get money when you ug. Yes, some will respect your wishes and stop, but others, like in your case, won’t. I started this game with a pup I hated. Every time someone hired me, he farmed them and then they got mad at me and farmed me. I was so angry. I stopped playing for 2 weeks. But then I realized, it’s a game. Stuff happens and I just ignored my pup and enjoyed the game. Now I have a wonderful pup. If you can only enjoy this game by your rs having you, then perhaps this isn’t a game for you ?‍♀️
    LeeJarrett and EatMyCnt like this.
  3. Guess I hire from you
  4. I want to know dvp and ts meaning
  5. DVP means "drop volley profit." This is when two people hire and tutor back and forth to achieve a certain amount of profit for one player. This isn't often done nowadays and was mostly used in PIMD's early days.

    TS means "tutor strip" and it's when someone hires all of another person's tutors.

    You can learn abount more game lingo in this thread.