Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars & Furniture

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Absolutely stunning new additions to the Champagne Box! A few items are also leaving forever soon so keep reading!


    These may or may not combine into items that may or may not combine into items that may or may not combine into certain avatars.


    Now, this is my dream dorm.

    Leaving Soon

    We will be removing a fair number of avatars and furniture from the VIP Champagne Box the next time we update it! You still have time.

    Check out the full list of items leaving soon here.

    Greenies: Just For You

    How Can I Get My Hands On a VIP Champagne Box?
    ☞ You get one each day as part of your daily rewards as a member of the PIMD VIP Lounge!

    How Do I Become a Member?
    ☞ Simply head to the Store, swipe over the VIP Lounge tab, and purchase membership for $19.99 USD!

    What Else Do I Get from Being a VIP?
    ☞ When purchased, VIP members are entitled to 7 full days of:
    25% extra Cash from Parties, 3x more Prize Tokens when you earn them from video ads or the 'Free Tokens' button, and a Daily Rewards Bundle containing ECs, DNs, PIMKeys, and the VIP Champagne Box!

    * * * * *

    See our original post for more info!

    RENEW your VIP Membership today! The Lounge awaits you.
  2. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

    Edgy birds
  3. Peacock?
  4. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

    Love that white peacocks above plant ?
  5. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

    Wow! FURNI AND AVI ?
  6. Is that a porcupine? ?
  7. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

  8. When will it leave????
  9. Anyone know which avi will be the guy peacock avi and which one for girl one?
  10. I'm wondering also.
  11. Like the furniture
  12. Most likely the gemtail things will combine into them.
  13. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

    Ooo nice
  14. Suddenly my brain cells stopped working ???
  15. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

    Got the la coiffeuse desk today if anyone wants to buy it ? (the one in the second dorm picture)
  16. I'm guessing combined avis are the male and female with the fans.
  17. Re: Nouveau! Nouveau! VIP Box Avatars

  18. Its eh