Terms used in PIMD

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Bird, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. I just had to explain to a 20mcs player what mcs is, and he still didn't get it. So thanks. We need this for those high stats noobs who only know how to taptaptaptaptap.
  2. I remeber when u first posted this.
  3. Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends
  4. I really need to update this, wow
  5. Everytime I hear someone's being farmed they always call it a sfw. It tilts me
  6. Whats does sp mean
  7. Self pin :)
  8. I asked pimd if there was a way to update this but :( sorry
  9. Sorry for asking, but it's no on here, what does IHS mean?
  10. IHS = in house seller (refers to cat sellers in a club)
  11. I wish I could update sorry ?
  12. Zeuss had already done the ABC.. terms of pimd
  13. If any can think of new words/definitions to add to this, please wall me or let me know as this was made 2 years ago and I'll update 
  14. Fugg
  15. Lolol
  16. Bumping this so y'all can see all the other terms and the dictionary of pimd
  17. This was very helpful thank you ?
  18. Hi I was just wondering what mcs is and thought you might have it in here I think it would be great for you to have it in here and it would help slot more good right up though