Do you speak Aussie?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Bec>Omar
    Even the name sounds better
  2. kefo please, i thought you will mature a bit in this year, still same desperate troll tho
  3. Words from you. Troll
  4. kefo please, dont ruin the thread
  5. He wasn't enigma :roll:
  6. I think I can understand it and I'm English... lol
  7. This is such a lovely story 
  8. Rip enigma
  9. The memories :(
  10. btw #FREEOMAR
  11. I speak gwapanease woadie
  12. Baba, yous one funny redneck :lol:
  13. still one of my favourite threads ever ?
  14. Australia has busses that pick up drunks?
  15. OoooooooOoooo i didn't understand any of it
  16. Most oldies clubs do have a courtesy bus that takes people from the club to their home, free of charge  But, a "booze bus" is a police random breath testing vehicle 
  17. 
  18. I understand everything 
    I'm a true aussie bogan