
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Okay soo I know that repeats and spam will get locked. Now how's about a thread that is for off topic conversations?
    I realize this may be locked but I've never usually whined or argued with RAs but I have some things to bring up.
    First, In club chat, not all our friends and buds are in the same club.

    Second, private chat and wall you can only talk to one person at a time.

    Third, not everyone has pal and personally I find it confusing.

    Oh yeah and no advertising Third party apps. And Im sure we could go ahead and give it through pm but then by being on those other apps we have to miss out on pimd.

    So RAs? Is it possible that we have this off topic thread, strictly for off topic and random conversations? Before people decide that forums have become lame and a waste of time?
    Of course TOU still applies.
  2. Get ready for a retaliation statement in a few seconds
  3. I agree with her
  4. Repeat thread..
    Just make it work..
    If it doesnt, all the posts here will be deleted.
  5. Does that mean this isn't gonna get locked?
  6. Delete isn't lock XD
  7. Yes!!!! Randomness
  8. First ToU breach will be a warning, second is complete deletion.
  9. Okey dokes 

    So if anybody! And I mean anybody messes this up! I will not be a happy little girl. 
  10.  I won't b part of this thread anymore XD bye 
  11. Oh and that also means before posting in this thread please go read the TOU.
  12. On my honor I will try to serve god and the forums, to help forumers at all times, and to live by the forumer law. Hey!
  13. How do you classify a repeat thread? Some of these threads date back to January and I don't feel like paging through 111 pages so I can cover my butt...LOL. Just curious.
  14. i wanna see if i can make collored letters work im gonna fail
    did it work???
  15. Heyy ....i love that guy! The ra! The once captain. Oh captain my captain! Lol but he's now Leonardo! He's my favorite
  16. hahaha i made coloured letters thats funny
  17. I don't see being a repeat thread as an offense to be locked. Also WHERE IS THE WORD SPAM IN TOU?XD I think I'm going blind
  18. @Amanda. Sorry Hun I have no idea. I've tried it but...alot of those threads were a waste of time and it always sends you back to the first page