Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 2-INSIDIOUS-2, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    Rules Of Posting On This Thread:
    -No swearing
    -No sexual
    -Do not jarrahs Anyone
    -try not to post personal pictures
    -If u got Nothing nice yj say don't say anything at all
    User will be asked not to post if u do not obey, silence might
  2. If IUr Pic u Get A  Btw Follow Me

    Questions Or Problems Pm Me, Do not flood thread with bs have fun
  3. Haha I like this one. If I’m watching with my niece I answer back, if I’m watching alone I sit there in silence. Yes, in case you’re wondering, I do watch Dora as an adult 😂
  4. Apparently nobody read the thread title.
    It clearly states "FUNNY" as part of the requirement. 🙄
  5. Op post wasnt funny either tho
  6. That’s me a few minutes ago.
  7. Humor is subjective, as they say.
  8. As a kid, I liked Dora, but I never liked her cousin, Diego.
  9. Why not? Both of their names start with your favorite letter. 😏
  10. we must start meme thread?
  11. I think i remember seeing 1 at some point somewhere
  12. There is a really good gifs thread with pimd jokes by jopo, but as much as I tried to find it, I couldn't. If someone knows what I'm talking about and how to find it, please bump it.

    I think the title was 'that moment when' or something like that.
  13. D isn’t my favorite letter. And Diego was just weird.
  14. After the forum update you can't search any threads that were made before the update ig

  15. There gotta be a way tho conoobs be finding threads thst are 8+ yrs ldz
  16. That's a nub special power, you can't have it.
  17. Seems easier to navigate the forums from the web as a pose to here in the app.