[Guide] 2019 Pride Gift Definitions

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Muschi, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. 2019 Pride Gift Definitions

    It's June, which means it is LGBT Pride Month!

    To celebrate LGBT Pride, ATA made it June's monthly theme; not only do they provide avis, furni, and a spin set, but they've also dished out some Pride-themed exclusive gifts for $10,000 in-game cash.

    Some players were inquiring about definitions for some of the identites ATA created gifts for. As a forumer and a bisexual woman, I decided to create this guide (at the suggestion of @Wednesday) to assist with the basic definitions.

    I will divide the gifts by sexual orientation and by those based on gender identity. There is also a miscellaneous section for terms that did not fit in either of the previous categories.

    Sexual Orientation

    Below are the definitions of the gifts based on sexual orientation, in alphabetical order. The -sexual suffix has been removed by ATA in the gifts, but I will use them below for clarity.

    See bisexual. Emphasizes the fluidity of one's attraction.

    Experiences attraction, but is not interested in the attraction being mutual between parties.

    Does not experience romantic attraction.

    Does not experience sexual attraction.

    Does not experience attraction to others, and focuses solely on admiring oneself instead.

    Attraction to two (or more) genders.

    Attraction felt after experiencing platonic attraction.

    Attraction to one's own gender.

    Attraction to one's own gender, where both parties identify as female.

    See bisexual. Specifies attraction to all genders, instead of the slightly ambiguous "two (or more)" defintion of bisexual.

    See bisexual. Puts emphasis on the "(or more)" clause in the definition of bisexual.

    Attraction to nonbinary people.

    Please note: "Sexual" in the context of sexual orientation refers to the gender(s) one is attracted to, and not any explicit R-rated actions. While the idea that sėx and gender are two separate things is prevalent today, in the years that the LGBT community was first formed the two terms were used interchangably.

    * Controversial within the LGBT community as to either whether or not they qualify as LGBT (or a sexual orientation in general) and/or whether the microlabeling of larger, more broad identities is necessary. I will not expand on this and this thread is not a place to discourse about it.

    Gender Identity

    Below are the definitions of the gifts based on gender identity, in alphabetical order.

    See nonbinary. Specifies that one does not identify with any gender.

    Identifies as two (or more) genders.

    See nonbinary and bigender. Specifies feeling both nonbinary and male.

    See nonbinary and bigender. Specifies feeling both nonbinary and female.

    See bigender. Used interchangably with genderflux, although genderfluid is the more popular of the two.

    See bigender. Used interchangably with genderfluid.

    See nonbinary.

    See nonbinary.

    Does not identify within the traditional gender binary of male and female.

    See bigender. Emphasizes of the "(or more)" clause within the definition.

    Does not identify as the gender assigned a birth. Most often is within the traditional gender binary of male and female (ergo, assigned male but identifies as female, or vice versa).

    See polygender.

    * Controversial within the LGBT community as to either whether or not they qualify as LGBT (or a gender identity in general) and/or whether the microlabeling of larger, more broad identities is necessary. I will not expand on this and this thread is not a place to discourse about it.


    The identities below are definitively not LGBT, but the communities often overlap or work together politically due to some similar forms of oppression faced.

    A medical condition in which an individual is born with both male and female sėx characteristics. Can present physically and/or in the chromosomes.

    A cultural and religious identity specific to some tribes indigenous to the Americas. Instead of the culture consisting of the traditional male and female binary, there is a "trinary" in which one can be more either male, female, or two-spirit. Two-spirit can present similar to nonbinary, but has a deeper cultural and religious meaning and is not one that non-indigenous people can identify as.

    Below is a term that does not fit in any of the categories listed above.

    A way of presenting oneself. Often a "mix" of masculine and feminine traits. Sometimes used by LGBT people, but can also be presented by cisgender* and heterosexual** people.

    * Cisgender means identifying as the gender one was assigned at birth; always male or female.
    ** Heterosexual means exclusive attraction to an opposing gender.

    Important Information

    Please do not discourse about your personal opinion on the identities and their validity in this thread. This thread is not for debating and is merely meant to provide the definitions. Make your own thread for debates. Thank you!

    I also want to remind everyone of ATA's policy on homophobia and transphobia in the community: it is not allowed. You can find their explanation on it (as well as examples of what qualify as homophobia and transphobia) in this thread.

    Other Guides by Yours Truly

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  2. Yaaayyyy! Also, $10,000 for the cute plushies.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Lol! Fixed it. Thank you.
  4. Lovely as always, thanks for the information ?
    Muschi likes this.
  5. No problem! Thank you too. ?
  6. Muschi I didn’t know you were bisexual ?
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I am! I will say I do have a sliiiiiight preference for guys, though. :lol:
  8. Very informative, as always! Thank you :)
    Muschi likes this.
  9. The "controversial" ones are valid, please stop enforcing gatekeeping
  10. Also, genderfluid and genderflux aren't interchangeable. Genderfluid is that you fluctuate between different genders, genderflux is that you fluctuate in intensity.
    Think of flux as a light bulb that has a dimmer switch, think of fluid as a light bulb that has colour changes
  11. Thank-you for putting this post together regardless though. it's great to have this explanation and a place to discuss the different identifies
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Thank you so much for making this!
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Or you could’ve just like googled it
  14. Also, why aren't asexual or aromatics listed in your definitions?
  15. How can one's gender change in intensity?
  16. Please read my entire post. Pay special attention to my "Important Information" subsection! Thanks! I just said they were controversial, and never stated my personal opinion on their validity.
    That's semantics. It's essentially the same thing, when it comes down to it. These are ???

    definitions after all. If people are genuinely curious, I encourage them to do thorough research on these identities from reliable sources.
    You're welcome.
    I am only giving definitions for the gifts ATA provided for Pride. They did not include those identities.

    Btw: for future reference, you should make these all in one post. If you post but have some things you want to add on, you can tap the pencil in the upper right of your post to edit it. You can edit for up to 5 minutes after your initial post. It helps keep forums a tad bit unclogged.
  17. Ask tumblr
  18. ^don't include them yet. I thought last year's ones were farfetched and I feel like this year they reached all the way into all the crevices
  19. Tumblr is dead, hippy.
  20. I’m pretty sure tumblr knows tho