
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by lie, May 26, 2019.

  1. Lettuce talk about thy salt ?

    I’ve witness so much salt throughout these 5 days I’ve been silenced. It’s crazy , I donut have enough sugar for it ?

    Have you witness salt lately?
  2. ha imagine being silenced
  3. I got silenced cause someone was salty  you see?
  4. Snipsy ?? imy
  5. Post that on my wall if you rly mean it :(
  6. Salt is good on lemons
  7. I have no salt ?
  8. I drink salt every morning
  9. Hot
  10. My dog Scout has a bellyache so I made him some chicken n rice today and I put some salt on it for it, that was my daily salt experience
  11. Isn’t salt like bad for dogs? Don’t quote me ? sadly I’m not a dog mom 
  12. I'm salty that you didn't know my birthday tbh :(
  13. You’ve been in forums right? Lots of salt here
  14. Forums has received like... 5x the daily recommended healthy sodium intake ?
  15. no never been here
  16. I've never been silenced
  17. Salt is good on tacos. ?
  18. I had a homemade peanut butter cup yesterday (not made by me) and it was quite salty. In a yummy way, like salty-sweet. Was surprising
  19. A little bit is needed for health. But yes, lots of salt is bad for cats and dogs, and they can have seizures if they eat the same amount of salt as humans do