Don't Wish For Something That'll Never Happen

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Stark, May 25, 2019.

  1. ? So, just wanna say that don't wish or ask for things that you probably know in your heart that isn't gonna happen.

    You know it's not gonna happen but why waste your time ? 

    P. S (YEAR : 2099 - ATA Still doesn't accept Avatar Trading or Any other concepts related to Trading of Avatars)

    #PeaceBro 
  2. Probably the only thing you’ve posted that I actually agree with.
  3. Yea don’t wish for it. Make it happen
  5. Inspirational wow
  7. How about let me wish for whatever I want? And I don't be disappointed when it doesn't happen.

    Because I don't expect my wishes to come true like a panzy.