can we add "Use All CS" button please

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DiscoDisco, May 21, 2019.

  1. SuPpOrT
  2. Every time someone mentions something like this everyone shits on it saying it’s lazy lol it’s not, the repeat and even hiring when volleying is so annoying. I honestly don’t understand why people here think it’s fun. Anyway having a button for party/job actions would be much better

  3. You don't like having to repeatedly tap your screen on a mobile phone game? :?
  4. On other games you usually tap for an action to happen but you see the progress of you tapping on screen, being an actual fight with characters, reading a dialogue, building something etc. it isn’t just words on a screen saying it has been done and just see a bar fill up. You’re attacking a bar to fill up, it’s simple and I get it it’s how this game works but in my opinion it gets pretty boring pretty fast
  5. So uninstall if you find it boring
  6. @Muschi that’s my plan
  7. No support
  8. thought it's a trade thingie xD
  11. What would you rather finger than the repeat action button that you need such efficiency in your life?