Game of thrones

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Queenpotatofries, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. I am just excited for game of thrones and I don't know but pimd should do a game of throne hunt
  2. I think there is a Jon Snow-type avi out there but, yeah, I feel you.
  3. There be, from this year even
  4. I think there was something similar done cause I've seen misc items with a GOT theme. People get amgery if you suggest that ata redoes a hunt :lol:
  5. I still haven't watched GoT

    Everyone hypes it up so much i feel like I'll be disappointed

  6. It’s a very good show with some intricate and diverse characters and storylines. I say give it a shot sometime and try to watch the first few seasons, they may be a bit hard to follow at first but the payoff is very apparent once you get towards the later seasons.
  7. It seems like a lot of effort and i donut have the motivation or interest, so i have never watched it. If you wanna chat about riverdale or sabrina w me i am here
  8. I think it will be nice now if i wanna watch it cause basically all the seasons are out, so i don't have to wait ?

    It's just such a commitment now
  10. You best fix that Anon ️
  11. I suggest Game of Gnomes. ?
  12. Oof stop spying on me ?
  13. Lemme spy on you ?
  14. No I say nay
  15. Yes, let’s all spy on him 
  16. When the only time you enjoyed watching it was this part
  17. My rs now spies on me everywhere I think that’s enough damage
  18. Best drama TV show of all time.

    I watched the new episode already and I literally creamed my brain. Highly suggest to everyone. Don't worry about being disappointed. You've got a lot more disappointment lying ahead of you in life so you'll forget it, and chances are you'll be super impressed anyway

    100% support it and if you don't wanna watch it, ur a potty pooper.

    And don't give me that "I don't have the time" lie... I watched all of seasons 1-7 within a week the other week in preparation for this season. Commit yourself to something for once in your life. You'll thank youtself and be proud.
  19. Make a septa avatar ATA