Beginners Guide To War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -PA_Samurai-, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. So you want to war? Haven’t experienced a real PimD war? Or don’t know how to war properly?Here’s all you need to know on how to be prepared and ready to join a war.

    For another guide on the entire process of wars, refer to White-ElderDragon’s guide - “How To War”


    1. Why Should I War?
    2. How do I prepare for a war?
    3. Buying Attack + Defense Items
    4. Hiding Money
    5. Changing your avatar
    6. Joining a War
    7. Assigning a leader
    8. How To Hit
    9. Reporting Hits
    10. Following your leader
    11. Start a “Date”
    12. How every last person makes a difference
    13. War Terms

    1. Why Should I War

    For fun! Warring takes skill and strategy. You need to work as a club to win and it is a break from B2B parties. Anyone can join a war, no matter what stats you are. That’s why PimD have introduced “Operation Orange” which are weekly wars that are two hours long. By participating in these wars there is a chance to get item and avatar drops, which are only available through those wars.

    2. How Do I Prepare For A War

    Preparing for war is easy and involves just a few steps. Firstly you need to hide your money so it can’t be taken when you get hit, as well as try prevent your opposition from successfully hitting you. To prepare you will need to hide your money, buy attack and defense items (commonly referred to as “pots”) and also change your avatar.

    3. Attack And Defense Items

    Attack and defense items - these help you winning an attack or defense fight. If you have limited money buy DEFENSE items first. They will add a stats bonus to your fight to help you defend some damage.

    Depending on the war length try to have at least 100 of each defense item per hour of war. So for a PimD war, 200 of each pots for the 2 hour war. If you can’t afford that many, buy just the cheaper defense items. However, it is recommended, if you can afford it, have at least 1000 of each. Attack and defense items do not expire, so they will always be useful.

    Attack items are used when you attack someone in the opposition, these items will give you an added boost to hopefully beat your opponent. Buy as many of these as you can. If you can afford these after your defense items, buy around 1000 of each. And top up as you need.
    You can never have too many attack and defense pots, so stock up!
    Here is a useful guide for the Store items you can buy.

    4. Hiding Money

    There are currently a few ways to hide your money in PimD. I will rank them from most preferred to only do if you must, make sure you have enough attack and defense pots.

    Borrow Tutors – to hide your money you can buy a tutor(s) with the amount you have, to have no money available. For example if you have 2.2b, you can ask a friend to hire their 2.1b tut. The remaining money can be spent on another tutor which you can borrow. Remember to ask if they can hire back after your war, and tell them when that will be approximately.

    Find New Tutors – Click “tutors” then “hire more” from the home screen. This will take you to a list of tutors.

    You can search in the amount for the value of the tutor you want. Once you find a suitable tut you can either click their profile to ask their current owner to borrow or hire. Or you can just click the “hire” button, however you should first check the current pupil of the tutor you want to buy, to make sure they aren’t in a war.

    Bank – If you must, use the bank. The bank charges you 20% of the amount you deposit. So put 200million in, you
    will lose 40million, only use this if the first method is not working for you. It is free to withdraw your deposited money.

    Phony Money – Phoney money is an item in the store which costs 1million each. It will return 75% if you sell it back. Therefore you lose 25%. There is no minimum for this, however use only if you
    can’t borrow, find new tutors or Bank the rest of your money.

    5. Changing Your Avatar

    You might be asking why would my avatar matter? Well in war, your avatar helps your stats. So before you leave to join your war
    club, change your avatar to the one with the highest stats. Avatars help with stat bonuses. If you focus purely on fights in war, a fight strength heavy avatar will benefit you more than an overly large intelligence avatar. If you focus on covering your weak side, let's say, intelligence, an intelligence heavy build will somewhat help you build up your defense in case you get the short end of the stick and become horribly milked. Looks won’t matter, purely it’s about the stats in war. To change your avatar click on “profile” then click on your avatar, scroll through to find the avatars you own, the highest stats avatars are at the end of the list.

    Here is a guide for Avatar’s and stats bonuses they bring.

    6. Joining A War

    So by now you’re ready to join a war. There are several options, you can either:

    1. Join a PimD Operation Orange War - from your profile on select days. Here is the link to the Operation Orange wars.
    2. Join your clubs war – Some clubs from time to time will decide to war. All you have to do is first prepare yourself, then attack the enemy war roster when the war starts.
    3. Go visit a club doing a war. There are many “open merc wars” that you can join, just search for them in “campus buzz” on the club page.

    4. Sign Up for a war on forums – from time to time some cool PimD players will run and organize wars. Go to the forums, check that you meet the criteria for stats (this varies from war to war) and post your stats and your PimD name, and the side you wish to be on.

    7. Assigning A leader

    Now in club wars and organized forum wars, you will not need to choose a leader. However in the PimD Operation Orange wars,
    you will be matched with people with similar stats. To help your team win, you need to have a clear leader, who can lead and organize tactics for you to use. The leader should be able to choose who the club are going to target together, and to try win the war for your club! Choose wisely, a person with war experience is usually the best option.

    8. How to Hit

    If you are going to be active in the war, you should follow a hit pattern. Although different people will cause you to lose different amounts of regen, you can still stick to the pattern of 2 hits every 5mins (one regen). This will allow you to hit when you are stronger, and have a better chance of winning the fight/dance. You should ALWAYS fight first this will make your opponent weaker and ruin their regen. This makes it harder for them to regen, and means they will be less likely to win an attack on your clubmates. Once they are weak and are “cows” you can dance to make increased money. Do not use prank or eavesdrop. These waste your energy and won’t help you win. You should only unload if you are going to be offline, or you are going to use a doctor’s note.

    9. Reporting Hits

    This is helpful to the rest of your club as you can find out who is weak, and who is attacking you.

    Firstly if you are hitting “Bob”. You hit him two times on fight, lose one, win one, and they used 7 defense items on your last hit.
    The use of F and D are common. Fights use F and Dance offs are D. Simple.
    You can see how many defense items they use on the Winner/loser screen e.g.

    You would write this as: Bob 1/2/7 F. This shows that you hit Bob, you were successful one time out of two, and they used 7 defense items on Fight. Post this in club chat for your club mates to see.

    If Bob hits you. It is much the same, however you don’t need to add the amount of items as you don’t know. If Bob hits you 2 times, loses once, wins once on Dance, then you can write this as: inc Bob 1/2 D. The “inc” stands for incoming and lets your club know who is hitting you.

    10. Following Your Leader

    It is important in wars, to WORK TOGETHER. If your leader has decided to hit the #1 person in the opposition, then hit that layer. Even if you can’t win, you are inflicting damage on the person, which is helpful to the club. Hitting your own individual player which you can win against, will not help you win the war. When you are trying to get some weak, ALWAYS use Fight. This will take up more regen from your opposition.

    11. Start a “date”

    If you have decided to use the "relationship” boost feature then this will assist you in war. There are 4 different types, each with their own level. To start a date click on the relationship tab from the homepage then click “date” this will show you all the possible dates.

    Strength Attack Boost – Gym, Yoga
    Intelligence Attack Boost – Study Date,Library
    Strength Defense Boost – Dog Walk, Hike
    Intelligence Defense Boost – Foreign Movie, Art Gallery

    If you are not getting hit at a particular time in war, you should activate a strength attack boost. This will help you with your attacks against the opposition.

    If you are getting hit, use a strength or intelligence defense boost. If they are fighting you, use strength, if they are dancing you, use Intelligence.

    Remember that Dates only last 1 hour. So remember to reactivate this. If you don’t have money, get your relationship partner to start one for you.

    12. How Every Last Person Makes A Difference

    During war, the more active hitters you have, the easier it is to win. Why? Because you are hitting your opposition with more energy, therefore weakening them and making it easier to win against.

    If you know you’re going to be busy, DO NOT join a war. This will just cause you to be a cow, letting the opposition make plenty of money off you. Your club needs you and your energy. Try to hit often as you can, keeping in club chat to keep up with new plans and strategies.

    Even if you aren’t winning a hit against a stronger player, you are still helping your club. The feeling after winning a close war is great. So make sure you hit hard and actively, your 10m hit could mean you win or lose the war.

    13. War Terms

    During war, you can tell your club mates different things by posting in cc. Here are some basic ones.

    F4 – Full 4. This signals you are full regen in 4 minutes. This is helpful to time your attacks together as club.

    DTW – Defender to weak. This is when you cannot hit the opposition because they are too weak for you.

    SP – Self Pin. This is when you are going to be away, or you are getting hit and losing. You can use all your energy up and stay without energy so the opposition cannot hit you, this is called Self Pin.

    NP – Not Pinned. This is added to the end of a hit of someone. If Bob was hit and could be repeatedly hit. He is not pinned.

    STRONG – If a member of the opposition who was a cow is strong or very difficult to successfully hit (maybe since they have used a dn to regen) then “strong” is added to the end of the report of hits. E.g Bob 0/2/7 F strong.

    Repin – If a member of the opposition which was pinned, is no longer pinned. The leader will post for “repin Bob” this means he is the target until he is pinned again and dtw.

    Cow – A cow is someone who is empty, or nearly empty in energy. Cows are good for making money off.

    Milk – Milking is when you hit a cow who is weak for money. You milk the people you have pinned as they are easy to win against, and less likely to lose against.

    Pests – These are either those who are self-pinned, or are too weak to win, that hit the people making the most money in the opposition. Ruining the oppositions regen time.

    DN – Doctors note. These as well as 10extra credits can give you a full energy reboost. In 2 hour wars you are limited to 2 dn.

    This concludes the guide for beginners to war. Hope this helps you. If you have any questions about War, feel free to wall me.

    Happy Warring Everyone!

    Thank you to all those who helped me make this guide, Tina, Chidi, Smash, My club mates and Tutors for their ideas. :)

  2. Yay!!! I can war now lmao
  3. Nice job Sammers 
  4. Thank you guys! Let's bring back wars!
  5. Nice job️
  6. Nice work Sammy! 
  7. this is my first guide so thank you for the positive feedback :)
  8. No support. Only noobs war.
  9. Good job Sam
  10. Thanks a lot for the thread samurai
  11. thank you guys!
  12. @Spitfire, So that makes you a noob too right? Since you have 500+ of the Operation Orange War Items :lol:
  13. Nice work  bump