we won

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Guy, May 3, 2016.

  1. Victory PIMD

    PIMD is obviously better, Thank you all for participating. You guys were awesome. thanks KaW Leader for recruiting or the war would have been canceled. Thanks La Familia War for getting cc active and thanks To Master of Destruction for making club wall funny wi your Jellybean Booty...

    Random GIF time
    Us All War

    Our Twerking Fairies Thanks!

    Final Score
  2. Congratulations
  3. Flocc was hacking..
  4. Pimd won a war in pimd, not that surprising lol.

    Edit: Oooh, I wonder how it would turn out if you proposed this idea in kaw LOL.
  5. PIMD vs KaW ... but a war in PIMD .. ? what do you expect? ?
  6. Tf :lol:
  7. It was 3 v 12 most of the war and we were winning... Until flocci got his haters onto us lol it was close though so kaw team should be proud of themselves.
    Fun times :)
  8. Haters gonna hate, good news though! I won my iwar in kaw :)
  9. Exactly my thots