[Guide]how to be awesome PART1

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LLL_LucyLovechild, May 12, 2014.

  1. Are you trying to be an honour student lucy? This will never work, you piss too many people off. Also Following everyone and anyone is not awesome, its annoying and not a norm here. After first point i stopped reading so yeah. No support , begone noob ?
  2. I'm already awesome. 
  3. Honor-student-wannabe fail

  5. Quickkkkkk *
  6. Quick is censored when I add more k's...

  7. U need help child. I swear u do..lol something is seriously wrong wit u. I feel like you have some extra chromosomes in your body n there somehow just now effecting your brain cells..
  8. I deserve the blue name for supporting LLL
  9. @pickles

    LOL, think of what more than 3 K's represent. That's why it's censored.
  10. I meant think of what 3 K's represent.*? Posted to soon.
  11. what does it represent 0:
  12. The Kingdom of Kupa Keep
  13. Where's my face palm emoji?
  14. pls explan
  15. Why must you be so cruel to Toby, my grammar monkey 

     your = possessive pronoun

     example: Your bacon is tasty

     you're = a contraction of you and are

     example = you're made of bacon
  16. Wanna know why Lucy hasn't upgraded in months? She stopped sending nudes for dv
  17. Looks like she's about to be upgrading shortly.
    Lucy, slide in my pm gurl. 