The Chocolate Hunt event is now over, and we hope you had fun satisfying your sweet tooth. Rewards will be sent out over the next 48 hours, and combining of chocolates has been disabled. As well, we'd like to congratulate the following players who collected the most Heart-Shaped Boxes during the event. 29435 - R--RM-StickWitU_______ 20435 - SIN-SWEET-HONEY 20131 - IIIII_MrSaxoBeat_IIIII 19322 - Shevaun-BitesHerCuddlyTeddy 18815 - iViVi 17625 - Rehab_Nolan_wants_ur_chocolate 17216 - -BCS-iBadGirl_Rosie 17120 - applez 16863 - -e-xulting_StarDanceR_ 16228 - BIG-PAPA-BEAR Lucky Winner - Rehab_THE-J0E Thanks for participating, and we hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day.
Thank you bb and pimd for the event it was fun I wanted to beat nolan so close congrats bro and all the other top 10
The lucky winner has been selected! Congratulations to Rehab_THE-J0E. Once again, rewards will take up to 48 hours to arrive.
@Pimd_Community is there a chance you guys will ever add a mass send button or something after how much it's been requested? Just wondering.