
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Jamaican_Goddess, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. I need to wash my eyeballs
  2. Oh my
  3. Soft Drinks
  4. I'm the better one
  5. I own you ??
  6. Snow bear
  7. own? nah
  8. half crab, half seagull
  9. Snow bear = Canadian, you dorks. Why are you pretending to be animals
  10. How dare you declare it pretending ):<
  11. I even own ur rival, le crush
  12. That means im a snowbear too!!
  13. I'm a chihuahua/husky then.
    Skylar2018 and Jaey like this.
  14. Husky is better ?️️
  15. American ?
  16. Yomomican
  17. ?? Philippines :D