ATA's involvement in saving mother Earth

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Mazikeen-, May 14, 2019.

  1. So i have a suggestion for the devs that whenever a person or a players gets 1k main drops, ATA in return would plant a single tree.

  2. They not doing this
  3. Das a lots trees
  4. They won’t do it
  5. How about 1k drops?
  6. I got 280,000 drops one hunt. ATA isn’t gonna plant 280 trees my dude :(
  7. ATA would much rather find more ways to take our money
  8. Um. More realistic: over the course of one week they plant 1 tree for every hunt they have in a year.
  9. Or for every 1000ec package they sell they can, companies have done it before.

    Defs not 1k hunt drops. You want them to build a rainforest single handed?
  10. It’ll be better if they do something worthwhile every time they profit $1,000/$10,000 on this game. Plant trees or save any endangered animal
  11. They’ve done special promos like this before for limited time but your idea is basically have ata fill the planet with trees
  12. Hmmm..
  13. Honestly though I've been playing for just about a year and haven't seen anything.

    I mean, they aren't obligated to do so, but i hope maybe they would consider something like this in the future.

    Especially with their kind of work culture of building communities. Anyways, i would support it if they did.

  14. This is the only one I personally have but there’s been others as well, where ata has donated to certain things. So it’s not exactly common but they do it as times for certain things ?‍♂️
  15. I didn’t know about this. That’s pretty cool actually.
  16. Virtual trees. Saving the earth.. one pixel at a time.
  17. I remember reading about this one! They apparently did one for the Alberta Fires as well.

    Dunno if that was here or another game of theirs
  18. I've always seen and wanted one of these.. but never knew how to like take part int that stuff
  19. Mother earth can save herself, if you worried about pollution then send hate to china
  20. Usually just buying ec/dn x amount of the overall amount made gets donated to whichever cause