Quick BB Coding

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by BigBro, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. Hello everyone I’m HD, this a quick guide for lost people like me fast and easy no long paragraphs no nothing! Enjoy !

    Quick bb codes 101


    A) [color=“whatever color”] input here then close it [/color]


    A) [imgfit ]url here[/imgfit ]

    Title Theme

    A) [title ]input, then close it[/title]

    Url Links

    A) then just close it

    Letter theme

    A) Bold [b ]input then close it [/b]
    B) Italic [i ] input then close [/i]
    C) Underlined [u ] input then close it [/u]
    D) Strikethrough [s ] input then close[/s]
    E) Center [center ] input then close[/center]

    Stats appearance

    A) [stats ] input number ex 13/13 then close [/stats] ps one first number is red second is blue don’t forget the slash is what separates the color.
    Example of this would be;

    Thanks everyone for stopping by this is all the popular coding you need to make your thread more appealing, wall me if you need help !
  2. "no long paragraphs, no nothing"
  3. Make thy op nameth in colour o OP
  4. The images is incorrect  it should be this
    [imgfit]url here[/imgfit]
    Otherwise, it looks nice and to the point
  5. Nice catch I didn’t see that haha 
  6. Straight tot point right? Hahaha
  7. Fixed
  8. Thnx mate I needed this. Been a while since my html days.
  9. Thanks for the thread OP ??
  10. Oh hey thanks!
  11. Bump. Not what i was looking for but is good enough
  12. Rong one lily one is goodrer
  13. Wow so simple and easy lol
  14. Rip Scott