Cabin on the Island

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. [​IMG]

    That bonfire you and your mates were having...? PLOT TWIST – you are now in a horror film!

    Wait for that phone call at noon... you'll want to because this time around, we're twisting our usual Stories around and interweaving some PVP - yep, you read it right - elements into earning rewards! So yes, get ready to fight some people for exclusive Prizes and avatars!

    Event Parties



    As we do! Because of the increasing difficulty in party tiers, it is very possible that you won't succeed at a harder party.

    What's going down:
    - There are 5 Event Premium Parties for this event.
    - These will be gone at the end of the event.
    - Each Party will cost a certain number of Cursed Selfies to start.
    - Each Cursed Selfie will cost 5 ECs and will be available at the Store. These Selfies are also a super rare drop from the Event Boxes too ;)
    - Yes, each Party must be unlocked by completing the Party preceding it.
    - These Parties are particularly good at dropping Side Story items.
    - The more challenging the Party, the more wicked the prizes.

    5 ECs for 1 Cursed Selfie.

    Twisted Stories

    Here's a quick overview on Stories to expect for this event:

    1. The Main Story.
    2. PvP Stories to collect Journal Pages and Idols (one this week, and another next week).
    3. PvP Story to lose Strange Idols. Yes, finally, getting farmed can earn you rewards!
    4. Regular Side Stories.

    All this means is that there are so many more chances to win dope stat items, avis and other goodies!

    PvP Stories!

    Throughout this event, you will be able to earn awesome rewards by engaging other players in PvP by stealing their Strange Idols!

    Why bother? Not only are there rewards for each progressive tier of the PvP stories, there is also separate PvP Leaderboard for this, and you can earn exclusive avatars for it ;)

    So how do I collect Journal Pages?
    The only way to get Journal Pages is by collecting enough Strange Idols. Collect 666 Strange Idols, and you get 1 Journal Page.

    666 Strange Idols = 1 Journal Pages.

    Okay well, where do I get Strange Idols?
    A small number of them will be dropping from parties but here's the fun part – the best way to get them is by stealing them from other players!

    IMPORTANT: For the entire duration of the event, you will NOT lose Cash or Strength/Intelligence when you get hit by another Player. You will ONLY lose Strange Idols, if you have any. As an attacker, you will be able to steal Strange Idols, and make half the amount of Cash you normally would. You still lose Strength/Intelligence as usual. All other PVP mechanics remain the same.

    tl;dr: to get on the PvP LB, hit players, steal their Idols, combine Idols into Journal Pages = success.


    One Event: Two Leaderboards

    Regular Event Leaderboard

    The LB y'all are used to dominating. Earning a spot on this LB will require the usual: collect the event's main item:

    A Fuel Can.

    As a refresher, these drop from Premium Parties and Parties of the Day. They will also be dropping from Event Boxes (Regular and Lite)!

    PvP Leaderboard

    Here's where things get interesting. Throughout the duration of the event, you will have the opportunity to earn exclusive avatars (among other things) by placing in top spots on the PvP Leaderboard!

    Your place on PvP Leaderboard will be based on the amount of Journal Pages you have by the end of the event.

    Journal Pages.



    An utterly bewitching setup.


    The furniture above will be available through the Event Boxes, Furniture Store, as well as the Summer Furniture Box!
    AnneRaven likes this.
  2. October already.. cool
  3. Send me gifts.
  4. Luv this 
  5. Yess omg I love the ouija board 499ec 
  6. Awesome!
  7. This is beautiful. Thanks for the PvP
  8. Whoa... I like the whole not losing cash idea from fighting...
  9. Thank you for PvP 
  10. So all sfw is on hold during this hunt? You can’t pin anyone or take cash? Seems to be a way of removing pvp to me.
  11. put ur bets in for how many sfw are gonna start coz of this
  12. How will this affect system wars and plunder?

    Also this hunt was really exciting until I saw that it won’t take people’s money or energy... you do know some of us are in SFW right?
  13. Love this so much
  14. Half the cash u normally get... doesnt seem so bad tbh
  15. Be my ouija board 
  16. Always knew marcs was the best ata ily?
  17. what kind of reject pvp hunt is this ?