PIMD is now on Amazon!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Party In My Dorm is now available on Amazon devices!

    Those of you with Amazon devices can now head over to the Amazon App Store, install the game, and start playing.

    Amazon App Store
  2. Now as I said before.

    No thank you.
  3. While you might not own a Kindle, or Amazon device, we know some of our players do and so we hope they appreciate having it on their devices.
  4. I had pimd downloaded on my kindle before it was available on Amazon, but now I'll be able to get updates for pimd on the kindle so thanks 

    Also thanks for that free dn for kindle users ?
  5. ?I lve only had andriod and iphones i just think window phones are not on the same level as iphones n driods?
  6. Groovy. Now if my grandma ever gets a hankering for rp, she'll know where to go.
  7. Way to keep you're finger on the pulse of the community, ata
  8. nice, more ppl to install this game and give you more money :D
  10. Lol I thought Kindle's died in like 2010
  11. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

    Amazon fire phone's #1!
  12. So now kids with tablets can play. :) Yay.

    But in all seriousness, this is pretty cool. ? Now all you need is Windows, K?
  13. Add it for Trac Phones!
  14. Amazon phones exist ? ?
  15. Not phones, they're tablets
  16. Well cool I guess