2 new VIP Pass Parties!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Jun 15, 2013.

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  1. Hey guys!

    Two new VIP PASS Parties just dropped:


    Complete them with your Club for a chance to earn the new showcase items.

    Good luck!
    <3 The Devs
  2. 
  3. partying at Immortals all night, just like the other 2.
  4. Cool scav items
  5. Showcase* -_- what was I thinking saying "Scav"
  6. I really like the this new theme of party. The details of each bar more realistic.
  7. I'm still working on the other ones send me a message if u need help
  8. I really don't care, unless they give stat bonuses.
  9. [​IMG]

    The second new party sucks  1 pure money making bar, 1 stupid complain bar, and 3 drink bars and the other new party has 2 complain bars don't like the two new parties
  10. Hey guys can I come
  11. My club dolphins cove is starting waiting list in an hr and i was jus wondering of anyone knew if its hard??
  12. Cool new showcase, yeah! 
  13. lol awespme!
  14. I love Tarquin!!!!!!!
  15. Will girl be ther
  16. The new parties,...60 in a row and not one item..the only one i have was gifted by my pupil..
  17. Thoses look so awsome
  18. Thats not funny
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