How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? + Extra Promo 4 u

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Jean, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Words of wisdom ?
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Re: How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? Extra Promo 4 u

    Yeah, it's confusing and not explained well in-game. We're working on making this a lot better though!
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Capitalizing Game Terms =/= Random
  5. it is random when the words aren't proper nouns!
  6. It just follows a different Pattern to what you Adhere to. The fact that it bothers you so much is Ridiculous. Capitalizing key words with technical meanings, and/or which require Emphasis is valid in some contexts.
    You should chill.
  7. you're the worst
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Re: How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? Extra Promo 4 u

    So ? Could you guys extend it for like more than 1 day maybe 2-3 days? Thank you and happy Valentine's day
  9. I know.
    But I am also right.
    Randomness =/= anything but the norm.
    Randomness = No pattern or constraint

    In this case
    Pattern/Constraint = Capitalizing technical terms and traditionally capitalized words

    The word you're looking for is devious. And as a liberal person, I try to understand all forms of cultural deviance, and their justifications, patterns, etc.

    You gotta get your head unstuck from the pervasive grammatical hegemony and recognize alternate patterns of capitalization which fulfill and achieve other purposes.

    Ideas > People
    Theories should be capitalized, not only peoples' names.
    A higher value of life motivates capitalizing personnames, and a value of places motivates placenames.

    People and places are things. Concepts are also things, so are fridges. How do we choose what we do and don't capitalize things? Question the hegemony and don't mindlessly support it, because in doing so you support archaic and negative beliefs remaining in place longer than they ought to.

    Being used to the norm and abhorred or annoyed by deviance is understandable but not encouragable.?
    Nerd-off done. Check mate, friend
    Muschi likes this.
  11. I Support you Bruce ?
  12. Who is Bruce tbh
    arianna3979 likes this.
  14. Re: How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? Extra Promo 4 u

    Pls do this in pm
  15. Re: How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? Extra Promo 4 u

    But where’s Winston tho? He wants some vanilla
  16. Hmmm. Thanks ATA 
  17. Re: How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? Extra Promo 4 u

    question answered
  18. Re: How do Plunder Bonuses work in PIMD? Extra Promo 4 u

    How does the 25% bonus from VIP Lounge apply here?
  19. It used to be able to stack ?