Improved Mystery Boxes!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. We've made it even easier to find out what those mystery boxes you have might contain!

    Mystery Box Guide

    Tap on a Mystery Box on your Showcase (applies to Amazing Furniture Box and future Event Boxes) to see a detailed list of what that box you have might contain!

    Like what you see? Tap to open the box right there!

    Note: Amazing Furniture Box keys will be temporarily unavailable for a few hours during the rollout of this new feature.
  2. Will we be getting the return of free furniture keys and possibly more furniture crate events?
  3. Awesome. 
  4. What do the letters stand for "S" "O" "R" "U"
  5. Nothing = Common
    R = Rare
    S = Super Rare
    U = Ultra Rare

    In the next update we'll be changing the way this looks a little bit to make it extra clear!
  6. So will this work for the hunt boxes as well? Or just furniture
  7. Really nice update ATA :)
  8. FUTURE hunt boxes. For now, just the Amazing Furniture Box. You can take a look at the Amazing Furniture Box right now to see what's in it, but you can't open it yet because we have do some stuff first.
  9. My furniture boxes disappeared or I'm blind
  10. But I just sold all my boxes ??
  11. I bumped them to the top of the Showcase. You should still have them all though!
  12. Where are all the furniture boxes I had?
  13. I had like 40 
  14. Halfway down the first page of your showcase. :)
  15. Thanks homie
  16. How many can we open up a day? 1? 2? Or unlimited?
  17. Amazing Furniture Keys are purchasable with EC, but you can open unlimited. Do you... have unlimited EC?
  18. Nothing shows up when I look to see what the Furniture box might contain. Is this because we can't open them at the moment?
  19. Meh... Should've lowered the ec price slightly too