Departure of Super Pro Parties

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by cclient_libraries.remote_exception RemoteException, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. One of the things that we think makes PIMD great is the social nature of the game and the strong communities that are built within it. It’s great that big players are able to work with smaller players to help them grow and achieve their goals.

    With the recent introduction of Super Pro parties, one unintended consequence that we’ve seen is a divide that has been created within the community. Larger players have gravitated towards Super Pro parties and smaller players, who aren’t big enough to hit the Super Pros yet, have been left behind to struggle together to grow through completing regular parties at a slower rate without the help of the larger players.

    We feel like this divide is not a healthy one for the game or the community. Because of this, we have made the decision to indefinitely remove the Super Pro parties until the time when we feel is a good time to reintroduce them. Any players who have earned their rare Super Pro party drops will be able to keep them and these will continue to work as they do now, providing big stats and being tradeable to other players.

    We will be removing the Super Pro parties on Friday August 19th at noon PST. After that time you will not be able to start any Super Pro parties. Any Super Pro parties started before this time will be able to be completed normally.
  2. O wow PIMD
  3. Wow! Just wow
  4. This is bs.
  5. Not fair to smaller players huh? Yet there's two sets of vip avatars 1/4 of all players have no chance in getting. Glad y'all are looking out for the little people 
  7. My same thoughts
  8. Yessss. BOO ata, not cool.
  9. K thx :')
  10. More like nobody is buying cats because of super pros so that is the real reason you are taking them away don't lie ata
  11. How about correct the T7/T8 glitch that makes pros pay the same as regs? This could help, instead taking spro out. I'm putting T5 on my alt so it can still get better payout on pros, :?. And it can hit pros quite well. That way players on a range 150 kcs - 5 Mcs could team up and hit pros and it'll worth it. As long as small cs are willing to use pots, dates and their best Avas that is.
  13. You speak words of wisdom
  14. This is rubbish you guys will destroy this game yourselves, when will you remove cat cafe too?
  16. Not good for smaller players and who cares about our heavy hitters! Instead of the super pros being something a smaller player ugs for instead of always staying small..
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