Moderation Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. Today we're announcing some changes to how moderation and silences work in Party In My Dorm. These changes should help players who were silenced better understand what exactly the violation was, as well as provide specific details on the status of their account while silenced.

    Detailed Silence Information

    When a player is silenced they will now receive a message from PIMD providing the type of violation they have committed, the specific message (where applicable), and the duration of their silence.

    Upon loading the game, you will also be presented with a startup message containing additional silence information.

    Revised Silence Behaviour

    Silences will now only affect public channels. When silenced you will now be able to continue posting to Club Chat and other private chat methods.

    Revised Silence Durations

    We've revised our silencing policies to be more forgiving, while still cracking down on repeat offenders.

    For silences we're moving towards a Tier System.

    After a player has been silenced, they will move up a tier, and the next silence they receive will be of a longer duration. However, after a player has been unsilenced their silence Tier will decrease by ONE for each 30 days they go without an additional silence.

    Tier 1: 1 Day
    Tier 2: 1 Week
    Tier 3: 1 Month

    Silenced (Tier 1) -> Silenced (Tier 2) -> Silenced (Tier 3)
    Silenced (Tier 3) -> 30 Days Without Silence -> Silenced (Tier 3)
    Silenced (Tier 3) -> 60 Days Without Silence -> Silenced (Tier 2)
    Silenced (Tier 3) -> 90 Days Without Silence -> Silenced (Tier 1)

    Players who continue to violate the Terms of Use despite multiple silences will be dealt with on a case by case basis at our discretion and action taken may include permanent silences and account bans depending on the severity of abuse.

    Note: These silencing changes ONLY apply to new silences from this point forward.
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