New User Messages

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone!

    As we continue to focus on the future of Party In My Dorm we're looking into improving the new player experience. We've noticed that getting volleyed early makes a huge difference and are going to be trying out something new to help with this.

    When new players join PIMD they will now have a message posted to Campus Chat on their behalf. We'd love if as a community you could help these new players get started by volleying them up, helping them out, or inviting them to your club.

    Update - 2/18

    Hey all,

    We've just made some changes to the Campus updates shown when new players join PIMD. The time at which these messages is shown has also changed, requiring new players to make it further into the game than before.

    We've also noticed a few concerns over the number of chat updates being posted. To help with this we're going to be temporarily disabling relationship chat updates while we evaluate these new player messages. Note that this removal is temporary, and the chat updates will likely return at a future point in time.

    Thanks for your feedback so far everyone ^^
  2. Hm. Interesting.
  3. LOL, k.
  4. Always happy to help.
  5. Not another feature that won't help me thanks
  6. y u do dis
  7. Great idea! But hey when them whale Avis/trophies coming out?
  8. This helps the entire game grow, which helps EVERYONE who plays, including you :)
  9. Why won't they help the players who are here

  10. This is what the notification looks like, if anyone hasn't seen one yet.?
  11. Is the.word ok too mainstream now ?
  12. Lol new spam I guess
  13. Help me haha this game hasn't helped me once well playing
  14. This will get EXTRA annoying and start spamming campus I predict ?
  15. I like this ideaCuz new players usually don't have speakers to ask for volleysor at least my alt didn't
  16. Yay, now I don't have to tell them how to do that.
  17. Good way to kill world chat. Update should be silenced for spammimg. So annoying!
  18. Please answer my question pimd_admin