 The Ultimate Guide to Relationships 

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Matt, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. The Ultimate Guide to Relationships!

    As of October 21, 2014, ATA has released a new feature known as "Relationships". This new feature was made to encourage players to work together and build their stats together, while getting some pretty cool bonuses while doing so. There is a bunch to learn about this topic, so I will explain each section of this new feature in detail. I hope you enjoy!


    1. Overview of Relationships
    2. Relationship Page
    3. Asking People Out
    4. Dating
    5. Transferring Extra Credit
    6. Requests
    7. New Gifts Only for Relationships - Couple's Secret Store
    8. Breaking Up
    9. Recap

    Part 1: Overview of Relationships

    Relationships are the newest feature to PimD. The feature can be found on the top right of your home screen as shown in the picture above. This feature was made to encourage players to grow as a duo with someone else. Many things are to be learned about this feature so I'm hear to teach as much as I know to you all!

    The first and most important thing is that when in a Relationship with another player, you will receive 10% of their overall stats. There are some ways you can figure out your partners stats or figuring out their Relationship Bonus (RB) to you. Now of course you can just look at your profile, but in case you wanted to be different, here they are:

    Figuring Out Your Partner's Stats:

    When you click on the "Relationship" button, you will come to a page where you and your partner are featured on the page. Under your avatars, it will say "Stat Boost". From there you will multiply their Strength bonus (left) by 10. For example: 1,000,000 x 10 = 10,000,000. You will then take your answer and divide it by 50. So 10,000,000 / 50 = 200,000. You now know their strength build. Repeat steps for their Intelligence (right). Again you can just look at their profile, which is much easier, but this is just so you know.

    Figuring Out Your Partner's Relationship Bonus:

    First you will go to your partner's profile. Then you will multiply their stats by 50, then multiply by .10 (10%). For example. 200,000 strength x 50 = 10,000,000 strength. Then 10,000,000 x .10 = 1,000,000. That is how much your partner gives you on the Strength side of your Relationship Bonus. Repeat steps with their Intelligence stats to figure out how much Intelligence Relationship Bonus they give you. Again, you can just check either your profile or the "Relationship" button to see it, but just if you wanna be different, now you know.

    Part 2: Relationship Page

    This is the image that shows up when you click on the "Relationship" button:

    This is the page that you are sent to after you click the "Relationship" button. There are many different important things on this page. First, if you are not on a date, the person to your right will be a silhouette. When you are in a relationship, the "Stat Bonus" is 10% of your "partner's" stats. You will notice there are 6 buttons under your avatar. There is: Ask Out, Date, Transfer EC, Request, Gift, and Break Up. Let's go through each one of them...

    Part 3: Asking People Out

    This is where you can ask anyone you want out. You can either choose from anyone that is randomly chosen by ATA, or you can search for someone specific you want to ask out. If there is someone on the list you want to start a Relationship with, all you have to do is click "Ask Out". When trying to ask someone out on their profile, you click the ️ On their profile.

    Now, the first time you ever ask anyone out, it will be free. DO NOT make this decision lightly, because if you end up "Breaking Up" (scroll down to the "Breaking Up" section to learn more about that) with someone, any time you try to ask someone out again, it will cost you 79 EC's

    When either you or your partner accepts the Relationship, it will be announced in World Chat, so everyone can see.

    You can NOT ask more than one person out at a time. If you have asked someone out and no longer wish to be in a Relationship with them before they accept, go to the ask out page and click "Cancel" to cancel the request. If you spent EC when asking someone out, you will be refunded.

    Part 4: Dating

    Dating is quite important. It can be useful when attacking, defending, regenerating, or some other fun uses. These dates can be helpful in wars, farming, or being farmed. Here is a list of all of them, what they do, and how long they last:


    What Does it Do? - Instant Full Regeneration
    What Does it Cost? - 15 Extra Credit
    How Long Does the Date Last? - This Date isn't timed


    What Does it Do? - Instant Half Regeneration
    What Does it Cost? - 10 Extra Credit
    How Long Does the Date Last? - This Date isn't timed

    Gym - Attack Boost

    What Does it Do? - 10M Strength Attack Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $80 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Study Date - Attack Boost

    What Does it Do? - 10M Intelligence Attack Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $80 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Yoga - Attack Boost

    What Does it Do? - 1M Strength Attack Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $8 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Library - Attack Boost

    What Does if Do? - 1M Intelligence Attack Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $8 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Hold Hands

    What Does it Do? - Pink Name in World, Club, and Tutor Chat
    What Does it Cost? - 2 Extra Credit
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 24 Hours

    Dog Walk - Defense Boost

    What Does it Do? - 10M Strength Defense Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $40 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Foreign Movie - Defense Boost

    What Does it Do? - 10M Intelligence Defense Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $40 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Hike - Defense Boost

    What Does it Do? - 1M Strength Defense Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $4 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Art Gallery - Defense Boost

    What Does it Do? - 1M Intelligence Defense Boost
    What Does it Cost? - $4 Million
    How Long Does the Date Last? - 1 Hour

    Each date can be helpful in certain ways. There is a 6 DN Cap during wars. Starting a date that gives a regeneration DOES (even if your partner starts it) count towards one of those DN's that can be used during war. Doing the half regeneration date counts as .5/6 DN's used during a war, so 12 of those dates can be initiated during a war.

    All bonuses from dates will not show up in the "Relationship Bonus" section. They are invisible stats, meaning they are there, you just can't see them, so don't worry, because they are there!

    Part 5: Transferring Extra Credit

    There isn't too much to explain about Transferring Extra Credit, but here we go. You can only transfer extra credit when you are in a Relationship, and you can only give extra credit to the person you are in a Relationship with. To do so, click on "Transfer EC" where you will then be directed to a screen where you can choose how much extra credit you want to send your partner. When you do so, they will then get a notification telling them how much you sent them. (Also just a side note, there are more options of gifting extra credit than in the picture above, but I only have 1 extra credit so that is currently my only option.)

    Part 6: Requests

    This is where you can Accept or Reject any people who have asked you out. This picture was taken as soon as this feature came out, so no one had asked me out (yes make fun, make fun), but if someone asks you out, it will be shown there, and you can do what you choose, that being Accept, Reject, or just ignore the offer and wait for them to cancel the request so you don't feel bad.

    Part 7: New Gifts Only for Relationships - Couple's Secret Store

    These 5 gifts are special. Well, they are showcase items, that's somewhat special, but these gifts are only available if you are in a Relationship with someone. You can only gift these gifts to the person you are in a Relationship with, and no one else. 4/5 of these gifts include stats, so be sure to send your partner a few to make them happy! You can also gift your partner regular gifts from this place too, but you CANNOT gift these special gifts from the regular Gift Store. Here are a few more details on each of the special gifts:


    The original booby trap
    Cost - 15 Extra Credit
    Bonus - 10,000/10,000
    Max You Can Own - 20

    Soft Serve

    You make me melt
    Cost - $75 Million
    Bonus - 1,000/1,000
    Max You Can Own - 100

    50 Shades of Bacon

    I always skip to the bacon bits
    Cost - 30 Extra Credit
    Bonus - 20,000/20,000
    Max You Can Own - 20

    Sir Loves-a-lot

    Your bear in shining armor
    Cost - 10 Extra Credit
    Bonus - 5,000/5,000
    Max You Can Own - 20

    Puppy Love

    Much heart. Do want. So amaze
    Cost - $200 Billion
    Bonus - None
    Max You Can Own - 1

    These are some pretty awesome gifts you can own so definitely be sure to gift your partner a few and make them happy!

    Part 8: Breaking Up

    Yikes! Not always the best moment of your lives, but they happen, and they are, Breakups. If you deliberately breakup with someone's, you will not be refunded any extra credit you might've spent asking them out. This is why it's important to choose your first Relationship wisely. If you ask someone out, and you end up hating the person and want to breakup with them, then it'll be a waste of your one free ask out.

    Breaking up with people is quite easy to do though. On the "Relationship" page, the "Breakup" button will be on the bottom right and it is the only red button on that page. Click "Breakup" and then "Breakup" again and then you will have officially broken up with that person. This will be announced in World Chat as well, so everyone will get to see the news.


    Relationships are a big new feature to PimD, and they can be very helpful when warring or farming, so be sure to try them out. All the new features are great, and I'm sorry if I don't cover everything in this guide, but the feature has only been out for two days as of when this thread is being posted.

    I spent quite a lot of time on this thread, so I really hope you enjoy it! Also, sorry in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Ok, thank you so much for reading and have a great day!

    - Matt
    Muschi and iEllie like this.
  2. Sorry if this isn't the best guide, it's the first I've ever made ?

  3. Sticky
  4. Nice job! Lots of information.
  5. I'm still confused on attack bonus vs defence bonus.
  6. My partner's android glitched and broke up immediately after accepting my invite (so wasting one of our freebies). Is there a way to get it back? ?
  7. Angel, have you tried emailing support¿
  8. Yes, awaiting response.
    Just unsure if something can be refunded that was 'free'  guess we shall see.
  9. Nice
  10. Nice guide 
  11. I burst out laughing when I saw this. Should have titled this "Relationships for dummies" 
  12. Great post Matt – let's sticky it!

    Edit: Moved to Guides.
    Tatoomaster_reborn and iEllie like this.
  13. Congrats Matt! :D
  14. Pimd admin, mind explaining attack vs def boost, apart from the obvious?
  15. It's not helping me wat do I press to get the relationship in on my thing
  16. ? nice one ! Its great?
  17. What thing? Please be more specific