PIMD Buzz.3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Hey, guys!

    I've come up with another episode of PIMD Buzz for you all. Honestly, I think it needs a better name. TEA TIME WITH WOLF. SEAFOOD MARKET (what?) But I'll come up with that later on.


    Just when you thought cat cafe made things boring. Here comes promo time. It so happened to pop up during Beta Wars too.

    Thanks PIMD. : (

    You know what really bothers me though? Before this whole promo thing, we would try and track down people who have had cats fall into their little hands so that they'd use it and we'd keep up that ecosystem of cat hunt and cat cafe.

    But sometimes, we'd encounter people who would just act all shady with their cats.


    The annoying thing is that hypnocats seem to LOVE these people. Cats are jerks.

    And then promo comes along and we get this.


    I mean… that's just crazy! It makes sense but it still says a lot. People are as greedy as a spoiled little kid in a toy department. I WAAAANT EVERYTHIIIING. WAAAH.


    Recently, I've been lurking around forums and I see a lot of wannabe trolls and people who are sick of them. The funny thing is that these wannabe trolls think they're actually doing a good job. No. This is how classic trolling looks like.


    See? You just say something and watch as the chaos unravels from a safe distance. Watch how people make such a huge deal over pretty much nothing and keep at it forever. That's trolling.

    But fail trolls? They just go all offensive and blame people for getting hurt. Or they just don't make any sense. I mean, really?



    Not to mention the certain people who whine on forums expecting forum world peace. !?There's more world peace in a room full of cat and mice.

    I'm not saying that forums is a place full of bad people. No. It's actually full of pretty smart people and nice people. But when fail trolls are around to ruin the day, it's just not so much fun posting anymore. Hmph.


    I bring you good news. It's taken a while.

    I wanted to be the very best. Like no one ever was. To catch tuts was my real test. To train them like a boss. I have traveled across the clubs searching far and wide. Upgrading dorms up to the top so I can say with pride.


    It's you and me. I know it's my destiny!


    Oh, I'm pissing you off so I'll say it once again.


    My stats are true, cat cafe had pulled me through!
    You teach me and I'll teach you..


    Gotta upgrade em all!


    3 days later…
    PIMD:Hey, guys! We shall be releasing tiers 2-4!



    The end justifies the means! I will say it. I am a CCBC. If you are a proud CCBC like I am, order a shirt from me via the School Nurse. She has everything.


    Wolf, out!

  2. I want first ️ Reading in a min
  3. Lol, the CCBC song was pretty good
  4. Wolf Amazing Thread again ,  Trolls 
  5.  I love this! And nice little Pokemon reference in there!

    Congrats on bc love ️
  6. I need that shirt...?
  7.  Dis thread doe
  8. enjoy reading ur posts bro.  will.be ccbc soon and proud of it. 
  9. Haha oh my gosh. You crack me up every single time Nick! Its so true about the tiers. Everyone all happy now til next upgrade comes out 
  10. Lol I love it!
  11. Ccbc!?
    Oh wait I'm not even bc yet ?ehehe
  12. I just realized I had put tiers and it should have been levels.

  13. crazy post.. i totally got me laughing and thinking ..