Favourite animal?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Merlyn, May 26, 2019.

  1. Humans are fun to torture
  2. 
    Snakes and Elephants
  3. •Cats
  4. my favorite animal is you :lol: :lol:
  5. Tell me this isn’t the cutest rat you’ve ever seen ?
  6. Sloths are my favorite animal. I luv how lazy they are.
  7. I like hyenas.
  8. Blocked
  9. Definitely chickens as they taste the best
  10. Turtles fr
  11. Sloths, they’re my spirit animal next to Gordon Ramsey
  13. You by far have the best status on all of pimd
  14. American Bison
  15. murder spagurder :}
  16. I love me some giraffes
  17. Dogs are my all-time love. Others that have a special place in my heart are cats, parrots, elephants, opossums, capybara, and rats. But dogs take the cake.
  18. It took me years before I realized they weren't called possums