
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaho, May 26, 2019.

  1. Lol thanks! I use them alot :)
  2. That makes me feel justified, ty
  3. Does me passing out from sickness and waking up too messages from peeps wishing me to feel better count? Because that did make me feel a little better. : )
  4. A fren and I were enjoying the weather a few weeks ago. I was rollerblading and he was longboarding. He was letting me lead cuz he had better control of his longboard than I had of my rollerblades. I tried to take us across these train tracks in my area because there's a nice jogging and biking trail on the other side but the tracks go across this very jam packed intersection where I almost got hit by a car and while avoiding it I almost got hit by a woman w her baby carriage, but he was real quick in longboarding ahead of me and catching me before I caused more danger. Two ppl congratulated him for being so quick thinking and it was super heroic and cool and now I can use this story to wingman for him.
  5. Really cute
  6. @Nikki k sorry i was a cow the 2nd war

    1st and 3rd wars I was not a cow

    4th war I did better and I tried to participate in both wars

    Stop crying that we lost. 2 mistakes were made

    1. I got put on a team that isnt respectful
    2. You guys should have come up with something as well.

    Im trying to be as calm and collected as can be with countless rude messages being sent my way :)

  7. I guess I can say the same about you *kissy face*
  8. When mama birthed me ?
  9. Imagine being that upset over a game ?
  10. There's a word being Sarcastic but people take everything people say like a dîck with an erection instead of a joke or whatnot but can't say anything anymore these days
  11. Imagine giving this bitter a response when you're trying to show how not upset you are
  12. My dog and I just moved into a big, echoey house and the first time she ran into the house, she slid across the hardwood floor and into the wall, making a loud "thud" that reverberated throughout the whole house. One of my friends who was helping me unpack ran in, yelling, "Are you o-" and tripped on the top stair in his panic. The other of my friends was running in behing him and fell basically on top of him because he couldn't stop in time. :lol:
  13. I saw dog and got excited  But this is like a movie scene !
  14. Why a cute memory when you could torture idiots but since its cute has to be when people get murdered by wildlife
  15. When me a kingkrazy were friends...rip
  16. I was in drama class and we got assignments. We had to be in groups of two I believe. The parts we got had to be turned into something romantic. I cant quite recall it but I think we were in a picnic scene.

    Well anyways I was paired with my crush :D And we get up on stage. We act it out. My crush decides he is going to pull me into a dip kiss (without telling me). And it went perfect :D

    Nope I'm just fooling ya. I fainted in his arms mid dip (legit I blacked out due to an abrupt position change) and we fell to the floor in a heap. He wasnt super pleased given his straight A's and we got a C  but it makes me laugh everytime I think of it. That's my "it's so cute its cringe" story for ya

  17. You were a cow for the 1st war, 2nd war, and 4th war (im not sure if you were on 3rd cause i was not there to monitor your account i only had time to hit opponents) People from sloth told me that’s how they chased the 50b gap from the 1st war.

    Oh im not crying about the lost im pissed because you wasted the team’s effort. And i kinda feel better now that you lost your rs.
  18. I have a crush on this girl at my job before and I've gotten close with her friends and we'd hang out after work quite a bit. Cue me with her friends going somewhere for dinner and crush nonchalantly grabs my hand and were walking towards the restaurant holding hands and swaying and I'm over there keeping it cool while deep inside I'm screaming.

    When I left my job she gave me a care pack full of different kinds of tea cause she loves tea and I'd occasionally ask her for some.

    Hope that's cute enough lol
  19. Wow this took a turn ? people so salty on this game