Currency Exchange

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FinnleyKitty, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. If Ata is based in Canada, And being a Canadian, Why is 1050ecs still $140 dollars instead of the American $99.99

    I always assumed we had to pay more because things were based in the USA and they needed a fair currency exchange but that being said, if ATA is based in Canada why aren't we getting the $99.99 CAD price for being in the same country??

    Americans always get it cheaper 

    (side note, I'm genuinely curious so don't be a dink)
  2. Your title just answered your question.
  3. Well I would like a lil more explanation please
  4. Because they can
  5. ATA has no control over the pricing. The iTunes store actually is very controlling over setting the pricing on apps hosted on there, and ATA makes the Google play store prices match what Apple decided to do with the pricing. Place your blame on Apple; it's their fault for different prices in different regions. This isn't just with ATA apps; it's very common on almost all apps.
  6. You realize if it was $99.99 CAD Then us Americans would pay around $75 USD which makes them lose profit right?
  7. Okay! That makes a lot more sense since I assume both the android and apple play stores are based in the USA, Thank you I didn't know that
  8. No problem! They are, which is why the "normal"-seeming pricing is set in USD.
  9. Question answered
    Please lock?
  10. I don't think ATA is struggling at all, they make money off of a lot of things in this game other than pure EC buys, and I'm sure the Americans wouldn't mind that 
  11. One Canadian dollar is around 75-80 cents in the USA. So 1050 ecs will “cost” more when it’s actually equal.
  12. I know the exchanges between countries aren't always at an equal exchange rate. For example, the UK prices when translated to USD are actually more expensive than the actual USD prices in the U.S.

    I hope my wording makes sense.
  13. Ah yeah. I’ve never traveled but my mom works for a bank and deals a lot with international currency
  14. Yeah and 100 dollars is still a lot here, let alone the extra 40 dollars tacked on by the exchange
  15. In before lock
    I love Canadians
  16. Ughh. Australian pricing sucks. $170 for 1050 ec's. ??‍♀️
  17. Feels
  18. To Add to this, 99.99USD converts to 133.85CAD But the price that shows in my store is 139.99, So really theres extra fees put in there, sure its only like 5 bucks but that's still more expensive in the long run