So I’m doing my first raffle and it’s kind of not going as well as I thought! It’s my first one so I can understand people being weary as anyone could be a scammer, right? Sad. I’m thinking that doing smaller raffles would be better to get my name and credibility out there, so I need some help! What kind of raffles do you enjoy and what raffles do you not like seeing? What would be a good starter raffle? Any advice/ideas help, thanks! ?
It doesn't just have to do with how recognized you are. It's what items you have up, and your entry prices. Do you have desirable items, and are the fees to enter reasonable? Or are you just raffling up junk items because you want to get rid of them and still make some sort of a profit?
I’m raffling my dorm, and I know it’s not the most wanted set but I thought it would be fun to dabble in raffling. I’m not really too worried about a “profit margin” I just like being the one to tell someone they won something. BUT I didn’t have many people enter. I didn’t give good options for entry fees I think. One person has 40 entries while others have 1-3 so ill take that into consideration for next time.
I personally automatically consider raffles that allow multiple entries as no-go. One entry per person is definitely fair and makes it so people who are only willing to enter once don't feel like they would have no chance of winning so why bother entering And have strictly one type of entry fee. None of that "1 chibi = 5 entries! 1 bento = 20 entries! 1 spinner item = 3 entries!" bs. That overcomplicates it. Pick one and stick with it.