How was your Saturday Night!?!?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EivorTheWolf-Kissed, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. OH MY WAS FAN-FREKAING-TASTIC!!! So here I am at work, manager calls off because of death in the family. (Condolences) This new manager comes in and SHE SUCKS AT HER JOB! We get customers, as always, but it was SO GODDAMN BAD, people HAD TO WAIT 15-20 GODDAMN MINUTES!!! Never before had that ever and I apologized to each and every single one of em because of the simple fact THIS MANAGER MADE THINGS SO GODDAMN COMPLICATED!!! One customer cut in front of someone and complained about not having Salt and Pepper ALTHOUGH I PUT SALT AND PEPPER IN HIS GODDAMN BAG!!! Then another customer complained that the custimer jumped in front of her. Understandable, yet the manager didnt care AND IS NOW GETTING A COMPLAINT!!! So now here I am asking for a Noose because THIS NIGHT IS SO GODDAMN HECTIC!!! And the highlight of my night happens when the cops walked in and ask me if I ever thought about hurting myself. I'm like no...? He said they had a complaint about me asking for a noose. THEY TOOK IT THE WRONG FREAKING WAY!!! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF SARCASM!?!?!?! Now I really need a noose cause I need to call it quits and hang up my life. :')

    How was your night BTW? Hopefully better than mine.