Contrails VS Chemtrails

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Danger: ChemTrails

    Enjoy starting your research about chemtrails. Look up the sky... It's never blue ;_; always spread white fluffy things in the skies!

    It's no contrails you dumdum!

    If you're growing crops, make sure to properly clean them
  2. Got this off wiki Cuz I had no idea what you were talking about
    According to the chemtrail (chemical trail) conspiracy theory, long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public.
    Contrails ( "condensation trails") or vapor trails are long, thin artificial clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can also be triggered by changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface.Contrails are made of water in the form of a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals.Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide.
  3. Chemtrails arents conspiracies when we have them up the skies.
  4. This morning, my sky was blue, I've seen planes flying by with the "chemtrails" and few hours laters, my sky is all milky white...
  5. I see them all the time, I live on a farm god everything's gotta be washed

  6. Anywhoo, I've only seen a couple of them but never that many streaks of white.
  7. It's an atmospheric phenomenon that creates contrails. Cool calm air being mixed with hot turbulent jet engine exhaust creates a condensation trail that stays for a long time. Planes are constantly flying around, so when the conditions are right, multiple planes can leave a lasting contrail.

    Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory. It was a bunch of idiots back in the 90s that started crying about how contrails were making people sick. There was no scientific evidence to back these claims, and there still isn't.
  8. I see, what I've heard about was in those chemtrails, there's aluminum or something like that with other things that reflects the sun's light back to him to fight back global warming. These chems provok health problems and other things. Anyways. It needs to be watched.
  9. What needs to be watched is exhaust output in general. Unburnt exhaust, and even burnt exhaust is a carcinogen, and without regulation the rest of the world can end up like China.

    We'll be walking around with gas masks unless we get some regulation going. People can start by either walking or taking public transportation, and avoid burning fossil fuels for favour of solar, water or wind power.

    Of course, who would willingly convert to such an expensive method of power?
  10. Shush sillys not realizing the Trololololol we got put on us
  11. I'm pretty sure Kaname isn't trolling, Rune. 
  12. I've known kaname raine. He isn't too apt for conspiracy crap as more than a joke.
  13. I played GTA 5 with some buddies, we were golfing and someone complained about the fact that there was chemtrails in the sky. I had no idea about what he was talking about. Watched few videos and made this thread to share

    Do I totally believe it? I don't know. Am I serious on that thread? You clearly see that there is a comical sense in the thread. Let's say its 50/50.
  14. Raine haven't seen my early threads?
    I'll bump a thread for you Hun!
  15. Had a thread that made jokes about certain conspiracies but did a major clean up of my photobucket.... So the thread is filled with empty pictures ;_; my hard work...
  16. I read another one you made about people that continuously see the same common numbers and whatnot. Forget what the name was. But I remember it being somewhat serious.

    I've made threads about comets and whatnot being ill omens to disaster. Don't know if I've done it here though.

    This stuff actually amuses me, though I suppose I can come across as somewhat serious.
  17. The same number thing was serious. Is it a mental clock? I don't know, but I often see the time 9:11. Whenever I do something and decide to check the time it shows 9:11, but ofcourse, everyone check their time often, might be a coincidence.
  18. And I responded that my time seems to regularly be 11:11. It probably does have something to do with internal clock. But thinking on that thread, I just assumed that anything kinda like this might be something you at least partially believe.  I'm sorry for assuming. I just like to spout knowledge and information when I have it. It's rare that I get the opportunity to talk about things that legitimately interest me.
  19. I live under an air highway because there's an airport like 2 miles away and I hardly see these "chemtrails"... Many times I see the "contrails" but they never last long.. Maybe a couple minutes.
  20. Well, most of my recent threads are meant to make people talk. Speak their point of view and knowledge. Such as my previous thread what colors do you see with the domestic abuse.