CURRENT EVENT 🧚 Every Step of the Fae! 🧚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. Another recycle hunt, meh.
  2. It's pretty, but wouldn't wear it everyday kind of vibe.
  3. I adore this! I personally don’t like the whole mushroom obsession that’s taken over in media lately but this dorm was done well despite it, and the avatar with the mushroom is combatted nicely by the one with the leaf (which I love!!)

    I also think the avatars, overall, are super nice! I honestly like how overwhelming a couple of them are with detail, it makes sense for the Fae 🧚 Super excited for the bumble bee avis, it feels pretty rare that non-LB have creatures.
    CapedClown and Nomad like this.
  4. Ofc the only Avi I like is on lb come on ATA some of us have kids, families and bills and we're not all trust fund kids or people with no responsbilties that can pull money out of thin air that can afford to spend like crazy it's really not fair why couldn't this be a side story avi. I'm still mad at the new xc crown Avi like why couldn't you just make that purchasable outright. I guess us little fish don't deserve the nice stuff right.πŸ™„
    Pwnstar likes this.
  5. In all fairness, I do know a few folks that saved for a long time on things like DNs and EC party items for LB and then they got top 10 when they gave it their all despite schooling + job. It *is* possible, it’s just a matter of saving and figuring out a way to devour extra time during a singular hunt.
  6. I’m so happy for that 50 ec hunt gift. 😍 it is so cute and a real gem. Awesome name too
  7. Dawg you been on the app for 11 years, YOU come up with "new themes" instead of being mad about it 😭😭😭
  8. As a 10 year I would gladly come up with hunt themes and have been suggesting ideas of forum for years. Coming up with ideas doesn’t do anything if they don’t take suggestions or criticism
    SikFuk and tyty123 like this.
  9. Tell me how tf you get the bee girl avi I don’t understand 😭😭😭
  10. You’re able to get it at the end of the 3rd and 4th side stories!
  11. Anyone know what the LB 999 is called / who’s selling / price? 🌚